Courageous Conversation on Race Relations Curriculum & Dinner
Lesson 4: Microaggressions/ Code-switching
When: July 9th 6pm • Free to attend and participate
Where: St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 425 Cleveland Ave SW, Canton, OH
This curriculum was adapted from our original Courageous Conversations held 2019-2020 among the three founding groups, StarkFresh, Mt. Olive Baptist Church and St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. It has been field-tested and is designed to take place in a social gathering where food is provided as a common currency to make people feel welcome. A warning of sorts, proper use of the curriculum will create situations of extreme emotion from participants as it creates a safe format for one to look inward and assess their own beliefs. This curriculum has been known to create strong, personal bonds with other participants and propel you on a journey of soul and information-seeking opportunities
Click here to register
CCORR Mission: a diverse group of individuals creating a beloved community through courageous, open dialogue, confronting racism and the ways it causes division, by educating and empowering participants into anti-racist actions